The Chandler Unified School District in Arizona has implemented an Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for all students and staff members who wish to use the district`s technology resources. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of using these resources in a safe and responsible manner.

The Chandler Unified AUA covers a wide range of topics, including online safety and etiquette, privacy, security, and ethical use of technology. Students and staff members are required to read and sign this agreement before they can access the district`s technology resources.

One of the key goals of the Chandler Unified AUA is to promote digital citizenship among students and staff. This means encouraging them to use technology in a responsible and respectful manner, both online and offline.

The AUA also emphasizes the importance of protecting personal information and respecting the privacy of others. Students and staff members are reminded to only share their personal information with trusted sources and to avoid sharing information that could potentially harm themselves or others.

Another important aspect of the Chandler Unified AUA is the focus on cybersecurity. Students and staff members are instructed to avoid visiting untrustworthy websites or clicking on suspicious links, as these actions can lead to malware infections or data breaches.

Overall, the Chandler Unified AUA is designed to promote a safe and responsible use of technology among students and staff members. By following these guidelines, students and staff can enjoy the benefits of technology while minimizing the risks associated with its use.